Stand Firm

November 14, 2022

By Ty Crowder (@the_southern_sasquatch) Nov. 14, 2022

"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." (1 Corinthians 16:13-14)

What a crazy few years we have had. Are you feeling weary? With all of the economic turmoil, dissension,  health crises, and so much more, I wouldn’t blame you for feeling tired or worried. Our physical, spiritual, and emotional state is under constant attack. There are days where the comforts and certainties of the past seem lost and forgotten.  Everything that you once depended on, now seems as though it is jeopardy of being taken away.  

I know what you are thinking, “Calm down. You are bringing me down." My intention isn’t to bring you down or stress you out. My intention is to remind you of something life changing. Are you ready for it? 


I put that in capitol letters and included the exclamation point so that you might understand its declarative intent. In the verse above we are given specific instruction which will help us through uncertain days. All of the aforementioned action steps hinge on our FAITH. 

We have to be watchful eyes that see as God sees.
We have to stand firm on our faith in Jesus.
We have to be bold in our conditions.
We have to be strong and unwavering.
We have to do all of these in LOVE.

What is the point? Have hope my friend! Even in the midst of calamity in Job’s life, he was never out of God’s sight. Even on your worst day, God still desires the best for you. Find peace in understanding that God is your champion and nothing in this world can overcome you. 


Why The "E Tool"?

The "entrenching tool" was used in the first and second world wars to build trenches in the battle field. The space between ally and enemy trenches was referred to as "no man's land", an exposed area of the battlefield where death was all but certain. So many in our culture today exist in this "no man's land," of whom the enemy is seeking to destroy.

When you become a follower of Christ, you become a trench worker. This "E-Tool" weekly newsletter serves as another piece of equipment in the battle for faith, family, and freedom. Keep sharp, remain vigilant, stay dangerous but good!

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