By Jason Koemans (@JasonKoemans) Nov. 22, 2022
We’ve all seen it. In fact, most of us are probably guilty of it or have been at some point. Go back in time to when you were looking to purchase your first self-defense carry gun or build your first AR. In the process of looking to make your purchase, you were constantly distracted by all of the modifications and upgrades at your disposal – A cool trigger, slick slide finish, unique stipple pattern – you name it. After all of the time spent dreaming about how this firearm might turn out, you finally make your purchase, including all the aftermarket parts, only to be confronted by the reality that you’ve overlooked the most critical factor in the equation – knowing your weapon. You’ve picked out the perks before you’ve touched the gun itself. It goes without saying that often times these “upgrades” are completely unnecessary and only complicate the process. You see, upgrades have their place. But just because you have access to them doesn’t necessarily mean you need them immediately. It’s critical to know and understand your weapon before you begin making changes to its function(s), profile, and all-
around build. Have you ever noticed that experienced firearm handlers make upgrades look second nature? They don’t think twice about how to utilize each and every part of their gun. Their gun is almost a part of their body. When an inexperienced gun owner decides to purchase their firearm and all of the add-ons at the same time, the process becomes overwhelming. The dust settles and the thoughts begin to surface – “I have all of the things that look good but I have no idea what to do with them.” God knows better. What if like building a firearm, the sanctification of the soul takes time? And it does. When we first come to faith in Christ because of His finished work at the cross, we don’t understand it all. God doesn’t unload all there is to know about Himself and His word expecting you to be ready to grasp it all right away. God doesn’t fully upgrade you immediately. Though you’re declared holy for eternity upon receiving Christ, sanctification is a lifelong process.
Hebrews 10:14
For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
In your spiritual journey, God sees the plans He has for you, but in most cases, He doesn’t unveil those plans immediately. He’s working in you, conforming you, molding you, and shaping you. And when the time is right, He adds to you. And sometimes, those additions come through the hardest of times. Owning a gun requires your time. You need to get comfortable with handling it. You need to
clean and maintain it. You need to come to a point where you can rely on it to save your life should the circumstances call for it. None of that happens in a day. This is why you’ve spent countless hours at the range. Likewise, in devotion to obedience, prayer, and diving into the word of God, your sanctification increases.
God knows you. He’s always known you, and He’s using this life to conform you more into the image of His Son, Jesus, every single day. Though we have a tendency to force our upgrades through, eliminating as much of the learning process as we can, that’s not how God works. When you live a sanctified life for God, pursuing obedience to Him in every area of your life, He “upgrades” you exactly where you need it when the time is right. If God were to rush the
process, we wouldn’t experience Him the way He intends.
1 John 3:2-3
Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.
Picture credit: (@Jasondemo)